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2002 Administrative Orders

Number Title Datesort ascending
2002-48 Order of Suspension - Theodore John Jeffries 10/04/2002
2002-40 Order of Disbarment - Jeffrey Brian Lathe 10/04/2002
2002-42 Certification of the Clinical Placement Program for the University Of Miami School Of Law 10/04/2002
2002-47 Order of Suspension - Mary Agnes Webster 10/04/2002
2002-46 Order of Suspension - Michael Joseph Murphy 10/03/2002
2002-49 Appointment of Frank J. Lynch, Jr. As United States Magistrate Judge at Fort Pierce, Florida 10/03/2002
2002-50 Order of Disbarment - F. Lee Bailey 10/03/2002
2002-51 Order of Suspension - John Joseph Spittler, Jr. 10/03/2002
2002-43 Order Amending Commissioners for East Everglades Acquisition Project 09/23/2002
2002-41 Order of Suspension - Howard I. Alabaster 09/23/2002
2002-39 Electronic Filing: Eligible Filers 09/17/2002
2002-37 Petition for Reinstatement of Attorney Larry Wayne Sparks 09/05/2002
2002-26 Petition for Reinstatement of Attorney Barry Steven Mittleberg to Membership of the Bar of This Court 08/28/2002
2002-34 Plan for the Random Selection of Grand and Petit Jurors 08/28/2002
2002-36 Electronic Filing 08/28/2002
2002-29 Certification of the Clinical Placement Program for the University Of Miami School Of Law -Amended 08/27/2002
2002-35 Order of Disbarment - Luis H. Roses 08/22/2002
2002-33 Order of Suspension - Alexandre Lasnaud 08/22/2002
2002-32 Order of Disbarment - Terry Alan Lurie 08/22/2002
2002-31 Certification of the Clinical Placement Program for the University Of Miami School Of Law 08/22/2002


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