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Court Fees

Fee Schedule 28 U.S.C. §1913, 1914 and 1917

Fees paid by personal/business checks must comply with the following conditions:

  1. Checks must be payable to “Clerk, United States Courts”;
  2. Checks must be imprinted with a name and address (not handwritten or typed); and
  3. Case number and case name must be written in the memo section of the check

Notice to Customers Presenting Checks

Item Fee

Admission of Attorneys to Practice
(Note: $25.00 of this fee will be deposited with the Federal Bench and Bar Fund)
Please note the fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Apostille (plus costs for certification and copies) $50.00
Appellate Filings/Notice of Appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeal
- $600.00 + $5 Docket Fee (Pursuant to 28 U.S.C.§ 1917)
Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus $5.00
Certification of any document or paper $12.00
Any payment returned/denied for insufficient funds $53.00
Cuban Liberated Civil Filing Fee Imposed in addition to the filing fee for opening a civil action $7,202.00

Duplicate Certificate of Admissions or Certificate of Good Standing
Please note the fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Exemplification $24.00

Filing Fee for Memo Cases or indexing any paper not in a case or proceeding

Registration of Judgment from another district pursuant to 28 U.S.C.§ 1963

Letter of Rogatory/Request for Judicial Assistance

Petition to perpetuate testimony under Rule 27(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Order appointing trustees under 28 U.S.C.§ 754

Memo cases
(i.e., Motion to quash Grand Jury, Order appointing trustees, etc.)

Power of Attorneys







Filing Fee for Notice of Removal from State Court $405.00
Filing Fee for Opening a Civil Action
(Includes $55.00 Administrative fee for Filing Civil Actions, Suit or Proceeding in a District Court)
Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
(Pursuant to S.D.F.L. Rule 4(B) of the Special Rule Governing the Admission and Practice of Attorneys)

$250.00 (per Attorney, per Case)

PACER and Electronic Public Access Fees click here
Petty Offense processing fee
(Note: $30.00 per viotation processed through Central Violations Bureau - CVB)

Records Retrieval Fee/Records from Federal Records Center, National Archives

Fee for each additional box requested

For electronic retrievals




$11.00, plus any charges assessed by the Federal Records Center, National Archives, or other storage location removed from the place of business of the courts.

Reproducing any document (per page) $0.50
Reproducing records not stored in CM/ECF or PACER in electronic form $33.00
Reproducing of magnetic tape recordings (cassette or reel-to-reel) $34.00
Search (per name or item) $34.00
Transcript click here for rates
Writ of garnishment (Paid to the garnishee per Administrative Order 2014-86) $100.00

 EFFECTIVE 12/01/2023