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Renewal Fee

Pursuant to Administrative Order 2014-14 (see below), from the effective date of this order, March 3, 2014, the attorney renewal fee of $25, established by Administrative Order 2012-4 is suspended, and the Clerk of Court shall cease collecting any further 2014 renewal fees pending further order of the Court. Regular attorney admission fees and pro hac vice fees are unaffected by this order.
Note: Attorneys in fee delinquent status for non-payment of 2012 fees must pay the 2012 fees to bring their account current and to reactivate their CM/ECF log-in. Please log-in to your CM/ECF account to pay your 2012 renewal and late fee ($75.00). Please review the detailed instructions below on how to pay your 2012 renewal/late fee. If you do not have a CM/ECF log-in and password, you must register for CM/ECF training on our website under the CM/ECF, Training/Registration tab and complete the online training to receive your CM/ECF log-in and password in order to pay your 2012 renewal and late fees.

To check your Southern District of Florida Bar admission, click here

Please contact Attorney Admissions if you have any questions.


Administrative Order 2014-14


Detailed Instructions on how to pay 2012 renewal/late fees