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2023 Administrative Orders

Number Title Date
2023-30 Amended Security Screening Policies and Procedures 05/09/2023
2023-29 Exemption of Fees to Access Pacer for Changhyun Ahn 05/02/2023
2023-28 Order of Suspension of Attorney Joshua Kelly Moran Florida Bar 99061 05/01/2023
2023-27 Order of Petition for Reinstatement of Attorney Juan Carlos Mercado, Jr. Bar #1003320 04/28/2023
2023-25 Removal of Certified Mediator from FLSD Certified Mediator List 04/13/2023
2023-24 Amendment to AO 2022-33 Appointment of Members to Ad Hoc Committee on Attorney Admissions Peer Review and Attorney Grievance for USDC SDFL 04/06/2023
2023-23 Appointment of Federal Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel Regarding the Upcoming Magistrate Judge Vacancy in Miami Florida 04/03/2023
2023-22 Order of Suspension of Attorney Josie Kerrie-Ann James Florida Bar 21736 03/29/2023
2023-21 Exemption of Fees to Access Pacer for Jakob Brounstein 03/20/2023
2023-20 Constituting Master Jury Wheel 03/20/2023
2023-19 Recommendation of Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Court-Annexed Mediation 03/24/2023
2023-18 Random Assignment of Social Security Cases to Magistrate Judges 03-10-23 03/10/2023
2023-17 Exemption of Fees to Access Pacer for Dr Yonathan Arbel 02/28/2023
2023-16 Exemption of Fees to Access Pacer for David Tan 02/27/2023
2023-15 Order of Suspension of Attorney Adres Jaqueen Jackson-Whyte Florida Bar 74171 02/10/2023
2023-14 Order on Petition for Reinstatement of Aubrey George Rudd Florida Bar 885207 02/09/2023
2023-13 Order on Final Report and Recommendation for Attorney Manisha Maraj Florida Bar 115758 02/06/2023
2023-12 Order on Final Report and Recommendation for Attorney Julio Cesar Marrero Florida Bar 784664 02/06/2023
2023-11 Exemption of Fees to Access Pacer for Sudha Mani 01/30/2023
2023-10 Order of Suspension of Chelsea Elizabeth Haritan Florida Bar #98182 01/26/2023


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