If the information you need to order a transcript is not provided below, please contact the District’s Court Reporter Coordinator at 305-523-5635 or email:
General Transcripts:
To order a transcript, you must telephone, mail or email the Court Reporter who was present at the court proceeding. To determine which reporter was present, display the docket report for the case, find the date of the court proceeding for which you want to order the transcript, and then look at the minutes for the proceeding. The minutes will show the name of the Court Reporter. See the Court Reporters’ contact list below. If the Court Reporter is not listed or if a proceeding was recorded electronically, please complete the Online Transcript Order Form. Once completed, the online form will be emailed to the Court Reporter Section to be processed. A confirmation email will be sent to the requestor. The form is also available in PDF Format (see below) which can be mailed it to the Court Reporter Coordinator, 400 North Miami Avenue, 8th Floor South, Room 8N09, Miami, FL 33128-7716 or fax it to: 305-523-5639.
Transcripts for Parties Proceeding Under the Criminal Justict Act (CJA):
To order a transcript for a party proceeding under the Criminal Justice Act (CJA), complete a CJA24, Authorization and Voucher Payment of Transcript Form below and mail it to the Court Reporter who covered the proceeding [see below to find the Court Reporters’ contact information]. Do not electronically sign or email CJA24 form. If the Court Reporter is not listed as an Official Court Reporter, mail the CJA24 to the Court Reporter Coordinator at the above address. Note: If different reporters covered various proceedings for which you are ordering transcripts, a CJA24 must be submitted for each reporter. If the same reporter covered all the proceedings for which you are ordering transcripts, it is only necessary to submit one CJA24.
Transcript Cost and Payment:
At the time you order the transcript by mail, email, or telephone or upon receipt by the Court Reporter of your Transcript Non-Appeal Order Form, the Court Reporter or Transcriber will inform you of the cost of the transcript (see the Fee Schedule for current rates set by the Judicial Conference of the United States). Payment for a transcript is to be made to the Court Reporter or Transcriber. A transcript order will not be processed until payment is received. Once a transcript has been prepared, an order cannot be canceled.
Court Reporter Contact Information