Solicitation Notice FLSDCLERK20-0027 (PDF)
The U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida located at the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. U.S. Courthouse 400 N. Miami Ave. Miami, FL 33128 is requesting a quote for the HealthWay 950P Commercial Portable Air Purification System (Brand Name Only). The Base: is for a total of 30 units under CLIN 0001 and CLIN 002. Under CLIN 002 F.o.b destination, within judiciary's premises applies. Addresses will be provided at time of award. Options: are CLIN 003 and CLIN 004. This amount can range from one unit up to 70 units. Options (CLIN 003 & CLIN 004) will be exercised together and may be exercised on or before September 30, 2020.
Any vendor not registered in SAM and submitting a proposal will need to complete and sign (wet signature) the AO213 form and submit it by September 16, 2020. This must be submitted to the Contracting Officer via email
Site Visit: Not Applicable
Questions Due Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 10:00am
Proposal Due Date: Friday, September 25, 2020 at 12:00pm
Delivery Schedule: Delivery is expected within 60 days after receipt of order (ARO).
Questions: Vendors must submit all questions in writing to the Contracting Officer via email. Answers to all questions submitted will be provided in writing to all vendors on the bidder’s list for this acquisition.
This is a request for Open Market Pricing. A firm fixed price award will be made from this RFQ based on the lowest priced, technically acceptable (LPTA) offer.
The Contracting Officer (CO) is: Melissa Long Phone: (305) 523-5642
Quotes and questions concerning this RFQ must be e-mailed to the Contracting Officer Melissa Long