If the attorney is not officially listed on the docket but wants to receive emails on the case, they can be listed as a “watcher.” To do this, log in to CM/ECF and click on the ‘Utilities’ feature from the blue menu bar. Select the link 'Maintain Your Account' and then click on the 'Email Information' button. On the following screen, click on the Primary e-mail address, enter the case number in the appropriate field under 'Case-specific options' – Add additional cases for noticing, click the 'Find This Case' button, when the case list displays, select the case and click the 'Add case(s)' button. When you are finished entering all the case numbers, click on ‘Return to Person Information Screen.’ Click on ‘Submit’ then ‘Submit’ again. Please note that the system will show “watchers = non case participants” as receiving email notices. All “watchers = non case participants” will show up on the NEF under the section ‘Notice will be electronically mailed to’ and also on the report ‘Email Info for a Case.’ The free look does not apply to any cases that you are “watching.”
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