Paul G. Rogers Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse
701 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
I-95 Route:Exit Okeechobee Boulevard (Exit 70A) and proceed east for 1½ miles. Stay in left lane. After the railroad tracks turn left at Tamarind Avenue. Continue on Tamarind Avenue and at Clematis Street, turn right and proceed to the Sapodilla Public Parking Garage at 601 Clematis Street. The Federal Courthouse is located on the west side of the parking garage at 701 Clematis Street.
Tri-Rail Riders: Exit West Palm Beach station. The Federal Courthouse is one block east of the station on Clematis Street at 701 Clematis Street.
Juror parking is located at Sapodilla Public Parking Garage 601 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Bring your parking stub/receipt to the Jury Assembly Room for validation.
Jurors parking in other lots will be reimbursed no more than $15.00 per day.
When crossing the street from the parking lot to the courthouse please use the designated crosswalk for your safety.