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How do I update my personal information within the CM/ECF system?

CM/ECF Category: 

You can easily update your email address by logging in to your PACER account. Select Manage My Account at the top of the screen, and then select the Maintenance tab. Click Update E-Filer Email Noticing and Frequency, and you can edit your email address. Apply the update to Selected Court. When you are done, click Submit.

To change your mailing address, please refer to the FAQ “How do I change my address with the Court?”

Changes to your name must be made through your PACER account. Go to and log in to your PACER account. Click Manage My Account at the top of the screen. Click Maintenance tab. Click Update Personal Information. Complete. Click Submit. You must also email a copy of your Supreme Court of Florida Order changing your name to Attorney Admissions. Upon receipt of this Order, your name will be changed with the FLSD Bar.