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How do I receive notices on cases where I am not counsel of record?

CM/ECF Category: 
Commonly Requested Procedures

Log into CM/ECF with your Court-issued login and password, and then click on the 'Utilities' menu. On the next screen, click on 'Maintain Your Account,' and then click on the 'Email Information' button found on the bottom, left-hand side of the screen. Click on the primary email address. On the right hand side of the screen you will find the 'Case-specific options.' Enter the case number in the text field under the caption 'Add additional cases for noticing' and click 'Find This Case.' Once the case number is located by CM/ECF, select the case and click 'Add Case.' Future filings on this case will be sent to your email address. You may add in as many additional cases as you wish. Be aware that the “free look” does not apply to these cases and that PACER will charge their standard rates for viewing these documents. When finished, click on 'Return to Person Information Screen,' and then click 'Submit' on the proceeding screens. When you see 'User Edit Complete,' your account has been updated.